In Document Center, you can add pages to, make color adjustments to, crop, sharpen, rotate, and assign an orientation to a document. You can make these modifications only to documents of an image file type (such as .jpg or .png). Also, you cannot modify a document that has been signed.
Note: Modifying a document requires the "Document Center Viewer, Open" security right.
To modify a document
In Document Center, do one of the following:
a document in the document
tree, and then click the Modify Document
on the Document
Select a document in the document tree, expand the Edit menu, and then click Modify Document (the graphic next to the menu option is not highlighted to indicate that the document is in view mode).
Note: This button and the menu option are available only if one document is selected, that document is of an image file type (for example, .jpg or .png) or is a consent form, and that document has not been signed.
If applicable, do one of the following:
If the Password - Document Center Viewer, Open dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Document Center Viewer, Open" task. Do one of the following:
If your user account has been granted the "Document Center Viewer, Open" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.
If your user account has not been granted the "Document Center Viewer, Open" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can modify the document this one time. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Document Center Viewer, Open" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can modify the document this one time, do the following:
On the message, click Yes.
In the Password - Document Center Viewer, Open dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
The Modify Document
button becomes active ,
and the Modify Document option
on the Edit menu becomes active
(the graphic next to it is highlighted) to indicate that the document
is in edit mode.
Also, the Modify Document toolbar appears above the preview area.
Do any of the following as needed:
Add a page to the document, do the following:
Click the Add
Page button
to view the menu.
Do one of the following:
Point to From Device, and then click an acquisition source to get an image from that WIA- or TWAIN-compliant device.
Click Import from File to get an image from the computer’s drive, removable storage device, or a computer or storage device on your office's network.
Click Paste from Clipboard to use an image on the Windows Clipboard.
To edit the image on a page of the document, select the page that you want to edit (if the document has multiple pages), and then do any of the following as needed:
To adjust the colors of the image, do the following:
Click the Image
Adjustments button .
The Image Adjustments dialog box appears.
Note: The Original Image displays the image before any changes were made. The Modified Image displays how the image will look after applying your changes.
Do any of the following:
Move the Fine/Coarse slider to alter the increments by which the other features will make adjustments.
Click the image with the Saturate border to saturate the image. Click the image with the Desaturate border to desaturate the image.
Click the image with the +Contrast border to increase the contrast of the image. Click the image with the -Contrast border to decrease the contrast of the image.
Click the image with a color border (+Blue, +Yellow, +Cyan, +Red, +Green, or +Magenta) to increase the amount of that color in the image. Every time you click the color, it increases the color content by the increment selected on the Fine/Coarse slider bar.
Click the image with the Lighter border to lighten the image. Click the image with the Darker border to darken the image.
Note: You can undo all changes in the Image Adjustments dialog box by clicking the Original Image.
Click OK.
The adjusted image appears in the document preview area.
To crop the image to an area that you select, do the following:
Click the Crop
Image button .
The mouse pointer changes to a cropping tool.
To define the crop area on the image click and drag the cropping tool over the portion of the image that you want to keep to create a dotted selection box.
Release the left mouse button.
The cropped image expands to fill the document preview area according to the zoom percentage that is set for previewing documents.
To invert
the colors in the image, click the Invert
Colors button .
If the
image is in color, to change it to a grayscale image, click the Convert To Grayscale button .
To sharpen
the image by removing random spots, click the Remove
Spots button .
Note: Each click of this button can degrade the image quality.
To rotate or flip the image, do the following:
Click the Rotate
button to view the menu.
Click either a rotation option (Rotate 90o Clockwise, Rotate 90o Counter-Clockwise, or Rotate 180o) or a flip option (Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical).
To specify the point of view that was used to acquire the image, do the following:
Click the Orientation
button to view the menu.
Click <None>, No Orientation, Right Side of Mouth, Left Side of Mouth, Entire Mouth, Inner, or Outer.
A watermark appears in the bottom, right corner of the document to indicate the orientation of the document: R for right side, L for left side, M for mouth, I for inner, or O for outer.
Undo - To undo the last operation
performed on the image, click the Undo
button .
Undo All - To undo all edits made
to the image since the last time it was saved, click the Undo
All button .
save the changes, click the Modify Document
button on the Document toolbar.
A message, prompting you to save the changes, appears. Click Yes.
Note: Dentrix Enterprise also prompts you to save any unsaved changes for the document that is currently selected in the document tree if you attempt to do anything besides add pages to and modify the images of that document in Document Center (such as edit the document's information, select a different document in the document tree, or select a different entity), if you attempt to open another module from Document Center, or if you attempt to close Document Center.
The Modify Document toolbar disappears, the Modify Document button
on the Document toolbar becomes inactive, and the Modify
Document option on the Edit
menu becomes inactive (the graphic next to it is not highlighted) to indicate
that the document is in view mode.